Thank you all from the PGM
2nd May 2013
Following another very successful meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge the PGM sends the following greeting:
From: The RW Prov GM.
To:    The Mark Brethren of West Lancashire:
Thank you for attending our Provincial Grand Lodge on Wednesday in record numbers .
I hope you enjoyed the day (as I did).
I was delighted to welcome the Grand Secretary, designate, to our meeting. During the day he was pleased to meet so many of you, and your enthusiasm came over to him.
I thank our Secretariat, the DC's, the members from Southport who set up, and the stewards from Philadelphia.
A fuller report is being prepared, but meanwhile I confirm my congratulations to all those appointed and promoted on Wednesday.




On Thursday morning on coming out of the hotel, he was passing the  'carousel' near the Pier. Michael Portillo was riding it, complete with Bradshaw's guide!!! and being filmed, presumably for another series of 'Railway Journeys'.

Michael was gracious enough to offer to pose with various on lookers for photos . And here is the result !!!
Eric Drinkwater, Michael Portillo and the PGM.
Someone in the Crowd was heard to ask, 'Who's that with Peter Connolly?'